Robin Turnbull's Bagpiping Service
Choose from Robin Turnbull's Bagpiping Service's Large Range of Tunes
Traditional Marches
Bonnie Galloway
Rowan Tree
Bonnie Dundee
Atholl Highlanders
Glendural Highlanders
I See Mull
Green Hills of Tyrol
When the Battle's O'er
The Bonnie Lass O'Fyvie
Murdo's Wedding
Bloody Fields of Flanders
Colin's Cattle
Farewell to Nigg
13th Fredrick Street
PM William Ross's Farewell
Corriechollie's Welcome
Sweet Maid of Glendural
Heights of Dargai
Battle of the Somme
Leaving Port Askaig
Angus Mackinnon
Diu Regnare
Scot's Wae Hae
Slow Airs
God Save the King
Mist Covered Mountains
Amazing Grace
My Home
Skye Boat Song
The Dark Isle
Song for the Small Pipes
Modern Tunes
I am sailing
Canny Shove Yer Granny
On the Doo Dah Day
Brave Heart Theme
Abba- Mama Mia
Star Wars Theme
Can't take my eyes off you
Avicci - Wake Me Up
Blinding Lights
Fast Dance Tunes
Lexy Macaskill
Paddy's Leather Breechs
Marie's Wedding
The Black Bear
Robin's Recommendations
Sing Along
Auld Lang Syne
Mamma Mia
Paddy's Leather Breeches
Bride/Groom Down the Aisle
The Bridal Chorus (Here comes the bride)
Brave Heart Theme
Married Couple up Aisle
The Dark Isle
Highland Cathedral
Mist Covered Mountains
Amazing Grace
I am Sailing
New Years Eve
Auld Lang Syne